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Too Much Moisture? How To Protect Your New Aluminium Windows From Condensation

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If you need new windows for your home, now's the time to talk to your contractor about the aluminium frames. You might not realise this, but aluminium is one of the best materials to choose for your new windows. Aluminium windows are easy to clean, look great on any home and can increase property value. However, you do need to take steps to prevent condensation. Depending on where you live in Australia, humidity and condensation can be real problems. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to reduce condensation on your aluminium windows. Read the list provided below. Here are three simple steps you can take to protect your new aluminium windows against issues related to condensation. 

Upgrade to Storm Windows

If you live in a region of Australia that experiences severe winter weather, and you've noticed condensation in your home, now's the time to talk to your contractor about upgrading to storm windows. You might not realise this, but storm windows can help keep condensation away from your new aluminium windows, especially during the winter. That's because the storm windows act as an insulative layer that helps block out the cold weather. As a result, you'll experience less condensation on your new windows. 

Install Weatherstripping

If condensation is a problem in your home, and you want to protect your new aluminium windows, don't forget about weatherstripping. You might think that your new windows can make do without weatherstripping, but that's not always the case. During the installation process, the old weatherstripping will be removed. To make sure that your new windows have the protection they need, talk to your contractor about installing new weatherstripping when they install your new windows. 

Remove the Moisture

Now that you're investing in the installation of new aluminium windows, you need to make sure that you keep the condensation away from the frames. One of the easiest ways to do that is to remove the moisture from the air altogether. To do that, you should invest in a dehumidifier for your home. The dehumidifier will help to remove the excess moisture in the air, which will prevent condensation on your new aluminium windows. 

Don't take chances with your new aluminium windows. If condensation is a concern in your home, use the tips provided here to protect your new windows. You can also talk to your contractor about additional steps you should take to protect your new aluminium windows. Contact an aluminium windows supplier near you to learn more.
